Two weeks ago, Green River was visited with three classes from Colorado Outward Bound totaling 33 volunteers and 99 volunteer hours. The first group was given the difficult task of building a short trail at the John Wesley Powell River History Museum to the “moments of pause” created by University of Utah students last fall. The group of 11 volunteers built the fantastic trail in a little less than three hours (photo above)! They cleared the path of large bushes, created and leveled a walkway into the side of a hill, and lined the trail with rocks. The museum is very happy that they are now able to send people to sit and experience the river in a safe manner while also educating visitors about historic river levels.
The second group worked on a Fix It First home repair project. The group replaced one window and began digging into the ground for a future patio area between the carport and the homeowner’s main entry on the side of the house. The neighborhood cat, Francis, also joined in and gave the volunteers support by sitting and watching from the shade. This group was instrumental in prepping the site for the next group of Outward Bound volunteers.
The final Outward Bound van was comprised of 12 volunteers eager to help Epicenter staff on the Fix It First project that was started by the previous group. These volunteers finished digging out the patio and replaced two windows. Once again, Francis the neighborhood cat stopped by to give his support. Also, three members of this amazing group helped out at the Boys and Girls Club of Green River by removing two dangerous concrete foundations in the play yard and weeding. Now the yard is even more beautiful and safe for kids!
A huge THANK YOU goes out to Colorado Outward Bound for sending these amazing workers our way. We were extremely proud to host these groups and wish them all safe travels as they learn and travel through the wilderness of Utah. For more information on Colorado Outward Bound please visit their website.