We Need Your Support

After 14 years in Green River, Epicenter is finally about to start our largest effort to date: Canal Commons. Yes, it’s finally happening! We have received a land donation of 4-acres and project funding commitments—over $2mil in loans and grants—for this new affordable housing micro-neighborhood in the heart of town.

Despite the curveballs that the pandemic threw our way, we persisted and are moving forward with what has been our dream since 2009. Thanks to past support from you (and folks like you!) rooting for Epicenter and Green River, Canal Commons is set up to succeed. But the vast majority of the project funds (97%) go directly into the Canal Commons project itself; Epicenter will see no consistent profit from the project for the next forty years.

Our annual operating budget needs your support more than ever. Due to the ongoing economic impacts of the pandemic, the past two years have been the most economically challenging that we have experienced to date. We know we’re not alone in this. Rural non-profits like Epicenter are getting left behind at a rapid rate. We’re witnessing formerly robust, decades-old organizations closing their doors despite dramatically cutting expenses. Epicenter is no exception. We’ve cut expenses and slimmed down to a small team, but it’s still not enough.

This is where you come in. Cash donations like yours not only help fill the gaps that grants cannot, but they also help our organization maintain positive cash flow so we can keep doing the daily work that leads to the big once-in-a-decade achievements like Canal Commons.

If you have the means, please consider making a generous charitable contribution today. Maybe that’s $50, $500, or even $5,000—it all helps Epicenter continue to build a more resilient, equitable, and vibrant local community.




Finally, we’d love to hear from you as a supporter of Epicenter. Please take the Epicenter Donor Survey.