Epicenter's 2016 Annual Report


In 2016, Epicenter made immense strides towards becoming a mature organization. We prioritized reaching outside of our small community to share our work with our peers as well as to learn from others doing similar work. Back at home, we built our first Frontier House, a case study to test an affordable, quality-made, and high-performance option for the high desert West. We plunged into our second major grant from the NEA, this time to support creative placemaking projects that help to transform communities into more resilient places with art centered strategies at their core. In conjunction with these downtown-focused arts projects, we will soon release our Downtown Revitalization Plan, a product of many months of work alongside the community.

Check out the report here.

Consider donating to Epicenter’s work in Green River today. Cash donations allow us to match grant-funding and are vital to the continued success of projects in Green River. Find out how to donate here.