Gayna Dunham trims the Trees on Broadway.
On Saturday June 6th, the Green River Improvement Team (GRIT) hosted “Brooms on Broadway,” a community downtown cleanup event. The rainy weather forecast did not hold true and over 30 volunteers donated over 100 combined hours of work during the morning and early afternoon. Projects for the day included pulling and mowing weeds, pruning trees, painting benches, and more. The event was a major success and GRIT hopes to make them more regular. Thanks to the volunteers who helped make a big difference by contributing to downtown beautification efforts: Kassidy Alvarado, Lindsey Alvarado, Rilee Alvarado, Katie Anderson, Travis Bacon, Kathy Brady, Keith Brady, Pat Brady, Kent Brewer, Bryan Brooks, Nathaniel Brown, Pete Collard, Steph Crabtree, Jolene Dalton, Gayna Dunham, Jesse Ekker & his grandfather, Maria Kunath, Ben Lehnhoff, Doreen Lehnhoff, Tristen Lehnhoff, Alice Masters, Jackie Nelson, Jon Niznansky, Gary Orona, Kelly Orona, Penney Riches, Armando Rios, Kathy Ryan, Randy Ryan, Julie Spadafora, and Maria Sykes.
Maria Sykes, Penney Riches, and Jackie Nelson pause from the hard work for a photo.
Mayor Pat Brady, County Commissioner Keith Brady, Kathy Ryan, Pete Collard, and Maria Sykes cleaning the sidewalks on Broadway.
Armando Rios in his “Rural And Proud” shirt removing weeds on Broadway.