“Seeds, whether from a crop or from the mind of a young student, carry the capacity to create a huge amount of change from something much smaller. Seeds are symbols of potential, of future growth, of the beginning of ideas.” -The students of UNM’s Creating Change
Creating Change, an interdisciplinary art class at the University New Mexico, has the pleasure of being invited to work with the Epicenter, CHEER, and Green River High School on this subject of seeds and change. Their class, led by Catherine Harris and Andrea Polli, has been experimenting with building inflatable sculpture, and will be working in high school classes and the CHEER after school program to design and build inflatable seeds. The inflatable seeds we create will be designed with the students they engage with.
Throughout the week, teams of university students will be visiting classes at Green River High to begin discussions about seeds as symbols for the beginnings of ideas. Classes they work with will include drawing and painting, 3-D modeling, clothing construction, and environmental science. Using their experience and interests, the students will design three dimensional, ten foot tall seeds, to be built with the university students at the CHEER after school program and showcased at the school on Saturday at 5pm. There will be performances, food, inflatable fashion, and fun. More information on that event here.
They’re looking forward to a productive week of exploring seeds with Epicenter and Green River high school students! Catherine Harris and Creating Change are in Green River for one week as a Frontier Fellowship blitz. We’re very excited to host them, and we look forward to seeing some amazing inflatable sculptures and fashion on Saturday!
Creating Change’s Inflatable Prototype in place at the University of New Mexico last week.